Tuesday, November 01, 2005


When I woke up the coffee was ready. And Franca gave me some biscuits to go with it. I felt very grateful.

The rental does not include F & B at all. But I guess she is kind and hospitable. "Slept well? Cold?" she asked. "Yes, very cold," I replied. She laughed: Cold? It's still a few more days to the cold months!" Then she gave me another blanket. She heard me coughing, and asked if I had a cough. "Oh no, only la manana," I took a long time to reply. But it was in Spanish again! She paused and said, "la mattina". "Ah si si, la mattina," I corrected myself.

Soon she left for the cemetery, and I decided to hang out my laundry. I opened the door to the courtyard, and looked up. The sun's out, and I could hear the church bells pealing in the distance.

I am in better spirits, well-fed, and paper work sorted. I am ready to taste la vita dolce. As I hung up my socks and towel, a neighbour upstairs, a big elderly lady, smiled down at me, and said, "Buongiorno!" "Buongiorno!" I shouted back.

Since arrival, I've heard, and said so many buongiorno's. This morning, it's my first happy one, and I know, there'll be more of such cheerful ones to come, for the next 30 days or so.


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