Sunday, October 30, 2005

First Night in Perugia

I reached the bus terminal finally. I went down the escalator - long underground walk, cutting through some museum, up wrong exit. Went back down, and asked museum shop staff where taxi stand was.

Found it, but had to call for a cab. Driver arrived, drove less than three minutes and said, "Hotel Priori, ma e vicino! 5 minuti. You speak English? Ok - it's impossible to go by car... you walk left, down the slope, and it's your hotel." Still, I had to pay him 8 euro, for his directions and for making the trip, I guess.

Went into the hotel, came out again to orientate myself. It's smack in historical central, just behind the National Umbrian Gallery and next to Cattedrale S.Lorenzo.

It was so lively and full of people - locals and tourists. It was only 5.00 pm but already dark and cold.

Exhausted and hungry, I wanted something quick to eat, but not at a resto or cafe, where they take their own sweet time.

So I went into a hot dog place to get a hot dog. The guy asked what toppings I wanted to go with it and I simply pointed to the gherkins and he said, "picante" helpfully. "Si, picante," I repeated politely. He then tried to flirt with his eyes and sweet smile, asking, "di dove sei, il Giappone?" "No, Singapore, e tu?" I replied. "Albania, tu conosce?" he replied. I nodded and left hurriedly.

With warm food in my hands, (my first warm food after eight hours since arrival at the airport) I was not in the mood to flirt any more!

I sat at the steps of Cattedrale S. Lorenzo, gazing at the lights and the couples sitting on the steps. Trying to squeeze my brain to recall if I had been here before. It looked so familiar. In 1992, after my studies in the UK, I had taken a Europe tour by coach, and we seemed to have stopped here on route to Florence. I seem to recall my guide saying, "Perugia, beautiful medieval city..." and even vaguely remember going into the art gallery to see an exhibit on Dali.....


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