Sunday, December 04, 2005

Waking up in Another Country

‘’Quando i bambini fanno oohh…!’’ I woke up with this jingle in my head. What is it? It took me some time to recall – it’s for Kinder chocolates’ TV commercial in Italy! How could I forget – when I got back only yesterday, and when this lovely commercial played nightly as I sat in front of the TV with Franca.

Jalene, May Ling and Wah Lee visited my dad in the afternoon. They got my sms a few days ago about my dad’s condition and without hesitation, almost immediately organised a visit. So many changes happened just this past one week, one month.

But one thing has not changed – our friendship. We have been friends for about 25 years. We gather during Christmas, Chinese New Year and birthdays. As we age, and as our parents age, we also gather at hospitals and funeral wakes – to visit our ailing parents and grandparents, and to console the bereaved.


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